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- Title:
- Namo Natural Health
- Address:
181 Main Road West
Die Dorpsplein - Stilbaai
- Western Cape
- 6674
- South Africa
- Phone:
- 028 754 1654
- Website:
- http://namohealth.co.za
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- Find Out More:
Chair: Henk Liebenberg
Delegate: Tertia Janse van Rensburg
The Namo Natural Health concept was started in 1963 by Alana Janse van Rensburg. The holistic hands-on approach of this healing art was developed and refined over a period of 40 years, maintaining its focus on the three primary facets of health: treatments, exercise and products. It formally became one of the first multifaceted natural healing disciplines in 1990 and Namo-Health CC was registered in 2001.
The Namo vision has always been holistic. Our philosophy embraces wellness in all spheres of life – it is as relevant to business as it is to our bodies and minds. Self-expression and dynamic growth in a harmonious environment have enabled us to create a very successful health practice over the past ten years. Staying engaged in the present moment, but keeping an eye on our long-term vision ensures that Namo Natural Health will keep going from strength to strength.
Our Philosophy:
The pendulum swing between wellness and illness is a natural process. We define health as the continuous balancing of this process. Your ability to manage choices and experiences determines your degree of health. Fear, discomfort, pain and disease signal a need for change that will restore balance and growth.
Just as an acorn knows how to grow an oak tree, each human body knows the pathway to health. Our mission is to empower you practically so that you can reconnect with that inner knowledge.
The keys to health are:
• Understanding the Purpose of Life
• Positive Mental Attitude
• Treatments & Self-Help
• Organic nutrition
• Regular Exercise
• Correct Posture & Breathing